'18 Hahtakvim-Hahcalendar / HAH Kolektif
collective calendar project
HAH members (Ahu Akgün, Gizem Karakaş, Ayça Telgeren, Defne Tesal and Murat Yıldız) together with Sena Başöz, Lara Ögel, Romina Meriç, Sevgi Aka, Uzay Kere, Beste Topuz, Onur Ceritoğlu.
While thinking about creating a future oriented void, HAH decided to design a calendar for the year 2018. Each month of the calendar was going to be designed by an artist born in that month. Coincidentally, all of the six members of HAH were born in different months. So, for the remaining months; HAH made series of open calls: “We are looking for an artist born in so and so month”. The only participation criteria was to be the first to apply. As a result, the calendar was created. The calendar will be published by art unlimited, in 400 stamped and limited editions. 2017-2018
foto: Beste Kopuz
foto: Sena Başöz